Going Viral Travelling Exhibition

One of our longstanding partners in the fields of science and education, Science Centre Singapore, has developed and launched ‘Going Viral’ travelling exhibition. Curated during the global lockdown, the exhibition takes on the topic of viruses, expanding on the history, evolution of science in enabling contemporary pandemic interventions and more stories of battling the pandemic in Singapore.

The visual elements of the central exhibition zone were designed to reflect the scientific principles behind the world of proteins, where visitors were invited into the installation through human figure-shaped openings. The interactive elements within the exhibit were designed in collaboration with the Science Centre Singapore to foster a more engaging learning experience through play and ignite curiosity about careers in science.

Client & Venue

Science Centre Singapore


  • Spatial Planning
  • Design
  • Fabrication
  • Installation & Dismantling
  • Project Management

“All the components of the 'Going Viral' travelling exhibition were designed and fabricated to be easily disassembled and transported to different locations islandwide.”

The concluding experiential zone was designed to combine both conventional and multimedia components of the exhibition display. Three-dimensional set decor pieces were integrated into the exposition, set next to handcrafted paper dioramas by a local paper artist, Cheryl Teo.